Monday, August 25, 2014

Shoutout of the week!

This week's shoutout will go to.... *drum roll* SMOSH go ahead and please subscribe them! Thanks! And check out the video I posted of them. Along with the pony video.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Not blogging much...

I'm afraid my blog will not be that updated. I'm working on to many things. So that's it. See ya!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Is scootaloo and orphan? 20% cooler reviews/analyses

Today for 20% cooler reviews/analyses, we are going to discuss if Scootaloo is an orphan. I assume she is, but there is many ways that proof that she isn't. For example the Flight To The Finish episode, she is seen in her room. But there is no sign of parents. Maybe that room was in an orphanage. I think it was an orphanage room. Another sign is Family Appreciation Day. Obviously Scootaloo had to bring a family member. She probably had brought Rainbow Dash, or one of the mane six ponies, because the mane six ponies are the closest to family she has. Perhaps Cheerilee knew that Scootaloo has no parents or siblings (Rainbow Dash doesn't count.) so she excused her from Family Appreciation Day. Others think that Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash are the mother of Scootaloo. However, they couldn't take care of a filly and had to give her up. Most assume it's Fluttershy and the father is Big Macintosh. But the traits don't fit as well. Big Mac and Fluttershy are super shy. The colors don't fit. Or maybe some other Pegasus ponies had Scootaloo, but passed away. Here's what I think: Scootaloo's father was a royal guard and went to fight and hasn't returned since. And Scootaloo's mother was a Wonderbolt and was in a terrible crash and she died. For now we have no clue who are Scootaloo's parents and if she's an orphan. Well find out sooner or later. See ya!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Some more updates on Rulers Of The Moon.

I know your all going to be disappointed, but I have to do this. I'm going to scrape the project and save it for when I'm more advanced. This is just too much. It would be done in 3 years. School is starting next week and I only have 35 seconds into the animatic. And those 35 seconds took me nearly 4 months. It's a complete pain. I will be continuing once I'm in high school. I hope you all understand. Continue to support the cause. I will try to get it out before high school, but it's not likely. This project was way to big for a newbie.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Shout out of the week :)

Today I'm going to start doing shout outs and this week the channel I want you guys to check out is Sassycat143. She's my all time favorite kinztuber. Check out the video I put up of her and also check out the pony video.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Top 5 pony videos of July 2014

5. Animator's worst nightmare
4. Rapunzel meets My Little Pony
3. Luna's Ice Cream (animation)
2. Everything wrong with may the best pet win in three minutes or less
1. Horse M.D

Friday, August 8, 2014

MLP show questions

Favorite Villain?
Nightmare Moon ^_^

Worst Princess?
Twilight (I don't hate her though)
Favorite Pet?
Opal or Winnona

List best mane six to worst mane six
Best: Rainbow Dash
Second Best: Rarity
Third Best: Applejack
Fourth Best: Twilight
Fifth Best: Pinkie Pie
Worst: Fluttershy

Flim or Flam?
Flam Mustache :{D