Violet and Celestia Advice Column

Dear Vi and Tia,
I'm dating my best friend's brother, but I don't know how to tell her. Help! - Best Friend
Dear Best Friend,
Just ask her, if you were dating her brother what would her reaction be. Start out with sort of a game like: What if I was dating Peter Parker? Or what if I was dating Dead Pool? Then ask her the brother question and see her reaction. If it's a bad reaction then you should tell her gently. Good Luck! - Vi and Tia

Dear Violet and Celestia,
What's snow like? I live in California, and I've never been out of state! I'm going to Utah to ski so I need some help on what the snow is like! - Sunny Snow
Dear Sunny Snow,
The snow is great! It's very cold though. Its like walking on ice cream, that doesn't taste so good. - Violet and Celestia

Dear V and C,
I'm a really good student, but I have this really mean teacher that gives me bad grades for no reason! Please give me advice! - Smartie
Dear Smartie,
Talk to your parents. They will sort things out with your teacher. Believe us. - V and C


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