Friday, May 30, 2014

Chrysalis Part One

Hey guys! It's the last day of school! That means it's time for Chrysalis's story! I'm so excited! This is just the first part. Next week I will post the second part. Enjoy the first part!

Once upon a time long ago in Equestria, almost 4000 years ago, Alicorns were common, each Alicorn had their own job. The Cloud Alicorns and the Pegasi were the only ones that could walk on clouds and control weather, so the took care of the weather. Then there were the Ocean Alicorns. They were Alicorns that could transform themselves and others into mermaids. They took care of the ocean and provided water for every pony. Then there was the Garden Alicorns. They grew flowers and food for Equestria and helped earth ponies with their gardening. Then the Guard Alicorns. They guarded royalty, and guarded special ponies like Starswirl the Bearded, or the rare rainbow mermaids. Next was the Royal Alicorns. It was just four of those Alicorns. Eclipse was the king, and he rose the moon. The queen was named Indus which meant "bright". She rose the sun every single day. Finally there were the Flutter Ponies. They were originally called Pollen Alicorns because they took on the responsibility of bringing pollen and seeds to Equestria. They lived in the Everfree forest. The queen was Queen Monarch and her daughter was Princess Chrysalis. There was no King for he had died and she refused to marry another Flutter Pony. She used to go out and collect pollen all the time, then she had Chrysalis and didn't leave her side until Chrysalis was 9 years old. Then finally she went out to collect pollen since they had nearly fell apart ever since Chrysalis was born. "Chrissy, I don't know if your ready to be alone yet..." Monarch said. "MOM! I'm 9! I'm sure I can take care of myself, and be in charge of the Flutter Ponies that aren't going out today! I know I can do it!" "I know. I guess your ready..." And with that Queen Monarch hugged Chrysalis and flew to join the other Flutter Ponies. And Princess Chrysalis got busy telling the Flutter Ponies where to put the pollen and gave them the seeds of the day to plant in Canterlot and the Everfree. She would please her mother by not being super bossy and ordering them to do nonsense such as fetch her nectar and blossom berries. Suddenly a mysterious voice came out of no where and said "Chrysalis, come closer..." .

To be continued...

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