Alright I'm sure you guys are excited for part two! Here it is:
The voice said "Chrysalis come closer." Chrysalis hesitated. She couldn't leave the Flutter Ponies unattended and go behind that big rock. Finally she slowly walked towards the voice. There she saw a Flutter Pony she had never seen before. His wings were dark and black. His horn didn't shine like any of the Flutter Ponies. He said in the most horrid voice: "Chrysalis, you can take over Equestria instead of those dumb Flutter Ponies. You can be a Changeling like me." Suddenly he changed himself to look like Starswirl The Bearded. Then Chrysalis knew what a Changeling was. "Rule? Equestria?" She felt so young. She felt as if she could only take over Flutter Ponies. Not anything else. She barley started to rule the Flutter Ponies without her mother. "When? Right now?" asked Chrysalis. The Changeling shook his head. "No, no for your youth is very important. You must at least wait a century. After all we are Alicorns. We haven't to worry." With that he transported away. Chrysalis trembled. She turned back to the Flutter Ponies. They didn't seem to notice the delay. A few minutes later her mother returned. "How much pollen did you collect?" asked Chrysalis. "Just about 56 pounds. Not very much today. Usually we get over 200 pounds." Monarch replied. "Can I please come with you tomorrow?" Begged Chrysalis. In truth she did really want to go, but she also wanted to check out Equestria and wonder if she could really rule it all. "Fine. I guess a couple of guards could take over. Well dear we're going to the Everfree again so I guess it would be a real treat for you." The Everfree? Yes! That was perfect for Chrysalis. After all the castle was there. She could see where her palace would be.
To be continued...
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